Featured in Economics

How Many Countries Are Involved in the Belt and Road Initiative?

As of December 2021, the number of countries that have joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China is 145*. (Credit: greendc.org)

Mappa Economics February 28 · 9 min read

Supply Chain Issues Causing Price Surge

U.S. companies begin streamlining data sharing, ports, and manufacturing as supply chain issues persist.

Mappa Economics
February 12 · 8 min read

Large Commodity Volitility Signal Risk of Shortage Amidst Ukraine Attack

Wild price swings emphasize just how sensitive commodity markets are to any possible disruptions to supplies.

Mappa Economics
February 20 · 6 min read

Renewable Energy Procurement Continues to Break Records and Shows No Signs of Slowing

Market leaders say that the relentless demand for renewable energy is prompting corporate buyers to consider more 'creative' solutions and assume more risk.

Mappa Economics
January 27 · 7 min read
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