Featured in Health

Which World Cities will be Underwater First?

here is little doubt our oceans are rising and cities will go under. It is no longer an issue of if but when. No one can predict exactly when, however, based on simple elevation maps, we can predict which major world cities are most likely to be underwater first.

Mappa Health March 29 · 6 min read

The Happiest Countries in the World

Since 2002, the World Happiness Report has used statistical analysis to determine the world's happiest countries. In its 2021 update, the report concluded that...

Daniel Bittle in Mindfulness
Dec 12 · 5 min read

East Antarctica's glaciers are stirring

Nasa says it has detected the first signs of significant melting in a swathe of glaciers in East Antarctica.

Jake Wozzy in Health
Dec 12 · 5 min read

50 years ago, armadillos hinted that DNA wasn’t destiny

Nasa says it has detected the first signs of significant melting in a swathe of glaciers in East Antarctica.

Blake Scully in Exercise
Dec 12 · 5 min read
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